I was so happy to have the opportunity to assist Certified Kimono Master and Educator Emi Kikuchi of Kimono Experience during her presentation and kimono dressing demonstration at ALLU in NYC. Her presentation, the grand finale of the Chanoyu Week events curated by Tea Master Yoshitsugu Nagano, gave us a unique glimpse into the world of Chanoyu, exploring the profound connection between the tea ceremony and the timeless elegance of the kimono.
ALLUでのキモノエクスペリエンスの着物着付けの長沼静きもの学院の師範と講師である菊池恵美のプレゼンテーションと着物着付けデモンストレーションでお手伝いできてとても嬉しかったです。菊池さんのプレゼンテーションは、茶道マスター長野先生によってキュレーションされたChanoyu Weekイベントのグランドフィナーレであり、茶道と着物の時代を超えたエレガンスの深いつながりを探求しました。
Chanoyu Week, as per their website, aspires to infuse spiritual healing and enrichment into the vibrant tapestry of New York City. Guided by the principles of “和敬清寂 Wa Kei Sei Jaku” (harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility), this celebration of the Japanese tea ceremony strives to build a stronger community by embracing diverse genres, cultures, and ideologies.
Chanoyu Weekは、そのウェブサイトによれば、「和敬清寂(和、敬、清、寂)」の原則に従い、日本の茶道のセレブレーションを通じてニューヨーク市の鮮やかなタペストリーに精神的な癒しと豊かさを注入しようとしています。この日本の茶道のセレブレーションは、異なるジャンル、文化、イデオロギーを受け入れることによってより強力なコミュニティを築くことを目指しています。
Now, let’s delve into some of the highlights from her presentation:
Emi unraveled the rich history of tea ceremony, reflecting on and reminding us of its origins as a samurai pastime. The Meiji era marked a pivotal shift, bringing this tradition into high schools and introducing women to its intricate craft. Up until the Meiji Era kimono was still worn by many people, seamlessly weaving itself the very fabric of tea ceremony rituals, so to say. Keeping this in mind, if you were to step back in time, you may be surprised to see a more casual array of kimono worn amongst its participants. Emi revealed the evolution of today’s common kimono styles, born from the cultural landscape of the Taisho and Showa eras, creating a diverse array with distinct levels of formality and purpose.
Kimono, Emi explained, fall into two primary categories defining formality: woven (wool, hemp, cotton, unrefined) and dyed (refined silk). The latter, exquisitely crafted silk kimono, have become an integral part of contemporary tea ceremonies. Interestingly, the opposite is true for obi. Woven obi are considered to be more formal than dyed obi.
To summarize, Emi detailed the hierarchy of kimono for women in descending order of formality: kurotomesode (married women), irotomesode (married and unmarried), houmongi (married or unmarried), furisode (unmarried) tsukesage (married or unmarried), iromuji (married or unmarried) and komon (married or unmarried). She also introduced us to the hierarchy of kimono pairings for men: kuromontsuki + kurohaori + hakama, kimono + haori + hakama, kimono + hakama, kimono + haori and finally, only kimono. One important point that was actively discussed during the question and answer period was the role that family crests play in the formality of a kimono. A kimono with five family crests is the most formal, followed by three, and finally one.

要約すると、菊池さんは女性の着物のフォーマリティの降順に沿って次のように詳細に説明しました:黒留袖(既婚女性)、色留袖(既婚または未婚)、訪問着(既婚または未婚)、振袖(未婚)、付け下げ(既婚または未婚)、色無地(既婚または未婚)、小紋(既婚または未婚)。また、男性の着物のペアリングの階層も紹介しました:黒紋付き + 羽織 + 袴、着物 + 羽織 + 袴、着物 + 袴、着物+ 羽織り, そして着物のみ(着流し)のスタイルです。質問と回答の中で、活発に議論された重要な点の1つは、家紋(かもん)が着物の格式に、どのような役割を果たすかです。5つの家紋がある着物が、最も格式が高く、次に3つ、最後に1つの家紋があります。
In the comprehensive artistry of the tea ceremony, where the host’s heart goes into carefully curating every aspect of the environment in accordance with time honored rules and traditions, Emi emphasized the significance of choosing one’s kimono with thought and purpose. Attire should seamlessly blend with the event, avoiding flashy colors or patterns that might distract from the ceremony.
For noteworthy events like Hatsugama, houmongi and furisode with a fukuro obi make a graceful statement. For lessons, monthly gatherings, and tea sessions with friends, tsukesage, iromuji, or edo komon are all considered appropriate choices.
Emi also emphasized the importance of seasonal considerations. Unlined (hitoe) kimono take the stage in warmer months (June and September), while lined (awase) kimono provide warmth (October – May). Ro kimono, or silk gauze kimono, is worn during July and August. Patterns should echo the upcoming season, a subtle nod – a harbinger – to the blooms on the horizon.
Whether you’re a tea ceremony enthusiast or fascinated by the art of kimono, this presentation served as the perfect gateway, intricately connecting the two in a way that captivates and educates. Even as a kimono dresser, I found myself learning new and interesting things throughout the event!
I encourage you to follow her website and instagram to learn more about her upcoming workshops, presentations and events:
I encourage you to follow her website and instagram to learn more about her upcoming workshops, presentations and events:
To learn more about tea ceremony, upcoming events or to begin your journey as a student, please visit Yoshitsugu Nagano’s website and instagram:
Hair and Makeup by Hiroko Sacripante:
Learn more about ALLU NY:
The following photos were provided by photographer: Hideki Aono

Emi Kikuchi (Presenter), Yoshitsugu Nagano (Coordinator), Masako Kaufman (Model), Maana Nakayama (Model), Me (Assistant)

Emi Kikuchi Dressing Masako Kaufman in Houmongi

Masako Kaufman, also a Tea Student, Explains the Use of Sukiyabukuro with Kimono

Maana Nakayama Wears an Intricate Furisode with Fukuro Obi

Masako Kaufman Modeling Her Beautiful Kimono Set

Emi Kikuchi Standing Next To Kurotomesode with 5 Crests

Maana Nakayama, Emi Kikuchi and Masako Kaufman Model their Kimono

Yoshitsugu Nagano, Masako Kaufman, Maana Nakayama, Emi Kikuchi

Yoshitsugu Nagano, Masako Kaufman, Maana Nakayama, Emi Kikuchi, Me